Monday, July 12, 2010

Rants from the Left

Not much time for decent musings lately but I do have a comment about a couple of current events that stuck with me.

No matter how you try to tone it down, as the Los Angeles Times did when they described it as "having sex with a teenage girl", Roman Polanski, at the age of 43, forced himself on a thirteen year old child. Over here, we call that rape. Who cares that he was a brilliant filmmaker? The guy is a pedophile. The fact that the Swiss refused to extradite him is really disappointing.

I cannot believe that Sarah Palin is still in the news or that anybody gives a rat's ass what she has to say.

What the hell happened to Mel Gibson? There must be a tumor in his head because otherwise, how do you explain this crazed, violent, bigoted, racist, sexist train wreck? Could it be that he was always like this? If I were a betting girl, my bucks would be on early stage dementia. Shame. I could have lived, quite happily, without knowing that Mel Gibson (subject of many of my teenage fantasies) was such an asshole.

Every day, I turn on the television to watch the news and inevitably, the recap of the day's events in the Gulf is given a spot. Every day, it feels like a kick to the groin. I wish the horror was over. The only thing to come of this disaster that might be interpreted as being even remotely good is that the public has gotten a clear and penetrating look at some of their politicians and wannabe bureaucrats. Yeah, I'm talking about you Rep. Barton. And you Sharron Angle. And YOU Rand Paul. Un-American? Get a freaking clue.

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