Thursday, December 13, 2007

Is Vegemite Actually Edible?

Last weekend, Dallas received a postcard in the mail announcing the planned February nuptials of his sister. Tuesday, we booked our flights to...


Excited doesn't begin to describe my feelings about this. Besides the obvious plus of meeting his family, I'm looking forward to seeing the southern sky for the first time. I know that it must sound ridiculous but I can't wait to have a look at the constellations south of the equator. I hear the beaches are fabulous, too. And it will be their summer. Which means shorts. And possibly a bathing suit.

Okay. I'm not going to let myself get all freaked out by that last thing because I'm going to


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Anonymous said...

Awesome! That is just SO exciting! Are the kids going too? If not,
send them up north to me!

Me said...

No kiddos. Can you imagine Olivia on a 13 hour flight? I'd have to be seriously medicated. Besides, they have school. I have no doubt that they will see New Zealand one day, just not this time.

RunninOnEmpty said...

Wow, you guys are gettin ALL serious!!