Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lies I Tell Myself

I'm happy about the fact that the first place the weight has come off is my boobs.

I consider exercise a privilege, not a chore.

I'd still work if I won the lotto.

Botox is all the cosmetic enhancement I'm prepared to try.

It is better to live in a world where even insane people like Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter have a voice than to be censored in any way.

It's really okay that I don't reside near the ocean or the mountains. There's beauty in every place.

I welcome the opportunities that our new move will bring.

I'm ready to lease my house to renters. I'm sure they'll treat it like their own home.

Everyone deserves a second chance.

The housing market will bounce back in a few years. So will my retirement account.

The piece of glass that is lodged in my knee will come out without medical intervention.

I have faith in the Democratic party.

One day, my ex husband will wake up and do right by his children.

I can adapt to a life without bread.

I am strong.

I am organized.

I can handle just about any curve ball life throws my way.

I am not scared.

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1 comment:

Helen said...

Right there with you.

Well, except for the glass. I'd probably see a doctor for that.

But I tend to freak out when there are pointy things in ME!

You know, versus in others...

Just saying.
