Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gratitude Part 1

I was lamenting via email to my most excellent cousin, Rosie, about how I was in a bit of a funk. She sent me back a lovely missive full of expletives that basically told me to get my head out of my arse, which turned out to be exactly what I needed to hear. She suggested that I might like to give gratitude a try (as in record some of the things for which I am thankful) in an effort to adjust my focus. Since Thanksgiving is a mere three weeks away, I thought, why not?

First installment below.

1. I am grateful for my husband and I am grateful that his name is not Shifty, Slutty Pants, Mark or Paul and that he is not afraid of crazy.

2. I am grateful for my son even when it takes him a mere six weeks in a new school to get into an altercation with another child, resulting in a three day suspension.

3. I am grateful for my daughter because as many times a day as she folds her arms, pouts and ignores my instruction, she is still quick to hand out hugs and kisses at bedtime.

4. I am grateful for my cat, in spite of the fact that he chooses 2:43 am to thunderously vomit up that hairball that he's been working on for a month.

5. I am grateful for our new, big house because even though I could spend every waking moment of every day cleaning away the filth of the people who lived here last, it is a reliable roof over our heads. And it has lots of hiding spots.

6. I am grateful for my Honda Pilot even though a month out of warranty, it sounds like I am dragging a knight in full, metal, armour down the road. I am grateful for the mechanic who looked at it, told me it was nothing and suggested I turn my music up to cover the noise. Works for me.

7. I am grateful for my job. I am not doing anything remotely noble like helping to alleviate human suffering but I am feeding my children and today, that is enough.

8. I am grateful for my health because I know it can all turn to custard in a moment. I've been on the receiving end of shitty medical news so each day really is a gift. I must remember that.

9. I am grateful to be in my forties in spite of the fact that I can't read the small print anymore. So, I guess I'm grateful for glasses, too.

10. I am grateful that we found the funds to pay for our Christmas holiday in New Zealand this year. The anticipation of that upcoming trip is my Santa Claus. It's my motivation.

Well, that should do it for now. I'm feeling rather fortunate. I might actually make it to the gym tonight.


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Ro said...

Love it! Magic herbs are on their way!

Mark N said...

I'm presuming the husband name thing is a personal issue? That said, my wife would probably prefer not to be married to a Mark right now, either, so perhaps you have a point.