Tuesday, December 14, 2010


The day has arrived. We are New Zealand bound.

We had friends over last night and I drank too much. My head hurts this morning.

As predicted, we made one last trip to the orthodontist but at least it was yesterday afternoon during rush hour and not this morning. I don't think Olivia likes me much anymore. Her new upper appliance has left her without the ability to place her tongue on the roof of her mouth. Things like swallowing and talking have become so much more challenging for her. She is not impressed.

The only thing left to do before skipping out the door is our morning hygiene. I'm putting on my prettiest knickers so that when I am plucked out of the security line up and asked to go through the porno screener, I'll be prepared. Or maybe I'll opt for the enhanced pat down instead since I'm feeling a bit frisky.

It's nearly one o'clock Wednesday morning in New Zealand right now. We arrive in Auckland on Thursday afternoon at 5:12 pm. I should probably try to sleep another hour or two, eh? It's going to be a LONG 30 plus hours.

Did I mention my head hurts?

I think it's time for coffee and that shower.
And maybe a cold glass of water with a couple of ibuprofen because it's here. The day is finally here.

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1 comment:

Ro said...

"Porno screener." Lol.