Sunday, March 25, 2012

Back to the Gym...Again

I HATE being gluten intolerant.

It sucks.

You would not believe the things that have gluten in them. It lurks in the most unsuspecting places.

Eating out is such a crap shoot. I would non-scientifically estimate that I get sick once out of every three times that we dine at a restaurant. The effects don't usually hit me until the wee hours of the next morning and then all hell breaks loose. Thank God for cold bathroom tiles because I usually find myself lying on them in an attempt to recover.

This weekend, we had Dallas's new employer and his family over for tea. I made some North American treats like Nanaimo bars and pumpkin pie from scratch. Of course, I can't eat either of these desserts anymore, and I suppose that I should be grateful for the lack of additional calories but for some reason, it chapped my ass this time.

I believe that I did this to myself.

I don't think that you can yoyo diet, binge, drink to excess and generally abuse your body for years without experiencing repercussions. Last Thursday, I went to the gym for the first time in ages. I did a light work out routine using mainly body weight and then I hopped on the treadmill for a twenty minute interval run. I took it really, really, easy.

Friday morning, I was sore but manageable.

Saturday morning, I was in hell. I couldn't walk down stairs or lift my arms above my head.

Sunday morning, the situation had marginally improved.

This morning, I woke up with quads still smarting but not so much so that it will keep me from the gym.

The point of all this drivel is that I was forced to ask myself why it is that I let myself get to this stage? Why can't I skip the gym for fourteen days instead of fourteen months? I am a woman for whom balance is a foreign concept. Worse yet, I don't seem to catch myself in the beginning stages of the decline. I don't ever manage to face the music until I am left without any other choices.

I am hopelessly flawed.

So, today I will trudge back to the gym. I will drink water and take my supplements. I will eat for clarity instead of eating for comfort. I will stop making excuses.

Tomorrow? Who knows but today, I'm going to be kind to myself.

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