Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tweet Tweet

I had heard that Aston Kutcher and CNN were fluent in tweets, RT's and @'s but the whole Twitter thing hadn't registered on my radar.

Until now.

And I love, love, love it.

Before I understood the addictive nature of Twitter, I really didn't get its appeal. I'm still a new user and I'm not thoroughly tweet literate but there is something very cool about getting small and regular personal glimpses into the thoughts and lives of people like George Stephanopolous (@GStephanopoulos) or Oprah (@Oprah). Some of my favourite bloggers like Rude Cactus are out there in Twitterville providing mini bursts of hilarity. Several times during the day, I take a second, check my iPhone for the latest tweets and then, plunge back into the grind. Twitter has replaced the cigarette breaks that I used to take when I was a smoker except it's a whole lot healthier and it doesn't stink up my hair.

If you are interested in joining the conversation, I can be found under the name, "wackado". See you in the Twitter Zone.

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1 comment:

Chris Cactus said...

Ha! See you in the Twittersphere!