Monday, January 11, 2010

Hello Monday

So last week was a total bust.

The children never made it back to school and our routine was a complete washout. I felt like I had cotton in my head for five days. The children would open their mouths and speak but they sounded like they were under water.

I smiled and nodded a lot.

I forgot simple things like passwords, keys and my bank card pin number. Rounding the corner into my neighbourhood, I shed tears of joy to see that someone made it out to open the gym. The forty five minutes that I spent there most days last week was blessed salvation. I'd like to take this opportunity to personally thank the Black Eyed Peas. Their latest album, "The E.N.D." is the only reason that I did not end up on the floor of my closet with a box of Ding Dongs.

And then the weekend came.

We vowed that we would take Saturday and do nothing but that didn't really work out very well. Instead, we cleaned and shopped. People had complained that the camera we were using for Skype was a hunk of junk so we decided to upgrade to something better.

At Sam's, we had a choice between a decent model and the superduper, extra fancy, do-everything-you-could-possibly-want-or-imagine, Microsoft LifeCam Cinema. Like idiots, we chose the Microsoft product thinking (stupidly) that it might be more compatible with our computer, which runs on a Microsoft operating system.

It didn't.

While researching the problem, I came across some tech advice which suggested that some of the Microsoft software on my computer might be interfering with the operation of the LifeCam, which of course, made PERFECT sense.

So I blithely uninstalled it.

And now my computer is buggered. Seriously freaking STUFFED.

In the last twenty four hours, I have uttered every single swear word available in the lexicon.

Today, one of the busiest days of my week, the majority of my time will be spent fixing my damn laptop. Sometimes, I really piss myself off.

On the bright side, though, my children are no longer pummeling the tar out of each other so really, it's all good.

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