Monday, May 24, 2010

Cougars Unite

Just before I left for Asia, I received an unexpected package in the mail. The postmark and the distinctive writing told me that it was from my sister-in-law, whom I feel that I have known since the beginning of time.

I wondered what it might be considering my birthday had already passed. Besides, we have this unspoken agreement. No need for gifts. Send money because at our age, any celebrations should be had in the dermatologist's office on the receiving end of a Botox needle.

So, imagine my surprise when I opened my parcel to find this:
It's a CD.

It's a CD filled with fabulous, mostly 80's gems like Gloria Gaynor's, "I Will Survive" and Blondie's, "Call Me."

I was driving when I opened it and nearly wet my pants in rush hour traffic. To say it made my day would be a giant understatement. I drove out of my way, volume cranked, singing at the top of my lungs. All that was missing was a cigarette, blue mascara, leg warmers and a flask of Singapore Slings.

These are the liner notes.
You see, this is a running joke between Leisa and me.

We're cougs.

The loves of our lives are younger men. They aren't much younger but just enough for us to wear their youth like a badge of honour. Both men are excellent fathers. They cook and they clean. They are the men our mothers had always hoped we'd bring home. My GOD we are proud of ourselves and our impeccable, albeit 25 years delayed, taste in men.

Receiving this CD, on a day when I was one conference call shy of being put into the loony bin, just proves my theory that although she sprang forth from another woman's womb, Leisa is most definitely my sister.

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Rosie said...

Love this! Gonna try and get one! xoR

Stolen Moments said...

Beth.. I have a question.. I am in a relationship with a wonderful girl. I love her and I am very passionate about her. We have been in our relationship for a short time(5 months) and we have a strong emotional bond. I write to her and we talk daily. We are not free to be together when we want and we only share stolen moments. My fear is she does not seem to be physically attracted to me.. there is no passion. Romantically, emotionally she is in our relationship 100 percent, but physically she is distant.. we have been seeing each other for five months and have slept together once... When we do get chances to see each other she is distant... She will text things that are sexually charged, she talks about how wants me physically, but the reality is she shows no passion for me when we are together. We have talked about being together forever, we are both married, with kids, I am scared that I am simply a way for here to get out of a bad marrage, I am more of a way out than a place to go.. I am so hurt everytime after we see each other I constantly question if we should be seeing each other at all.. I sit here today with my heart breaking.. missing her...fighting my desire to contact her... Beth how can she say she is in love with me, say she wants to be together, know that I love her and meet her emotional needs, realise that I feel she is unattracted to me, yet do nothing to change my mind? Some weeks we might get an hour of alone time, yet she would have no desire to be intimate.....My wife and I have been sleeping seperately since march,I have been intimate with my new love onc in that time... I want to be with her constantly... She has told me she is not intimate with her husband, yet they do continue to sleep together. Beth how can she not be craving physical contact the way I am, if she is not having sex with her husband?.. Am i being a fool?