Friday, October 29, 2010

Not My Kind Of Tea Party

Sarah Palin

Christine O'Donnell

Sharron Angle

Joe Miller

Rand Paul

When Dubya was "elected" the first time around, I was astounded at how easy it was for the a large segment of the American public to accept an ignorant, woefully inadequate and polarizing figure as their president. When he was put back into office four years later, I was schooled on the power of money, misinformation and Karl Rove's mastery of spin.

When McCain picked Sarah Palin, another ignorant, woefully inexperienced and polarizing figure to be his running mate in 2008, I thought the world had finally tipped off its axis.

Now, we face a political climate so partisan that nobody even pretends to be there trying to legislate ideas that might be good for the country. Instead, we have asshats like Mitch McConnell who, "feels his “single most important” job is to defeat President Obama in 2012" (Think Progress via Gawker). Nice.

Look at the list of people above. I can't imagine that a majority of people in their congressional districts think the way that they do. Come Tuesday, we will find out. It makes me shiver a bit.

With dread.

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