Friday, January 6, 2012

Another year, another diet

So far, so good with the New Year's resolve.

Today, it is raining. Again. If this keeps up for much longer, I may have to get myself under some of those special lights that mimic the sun because the rain has a way of taking one's mood and flushing it down the toilet.

Besides this weather abberation, New Zealand is awesome. Next week, I will plant a few seeds in the garden in an effort to pretend that, I too, can grow food. Gardening is prevalent here, and people plant wherever there is room. My in laws have their garden smack dab in the front of their house where we would put ornamental shrubs and flowers if we were still in the US. The thing about New Zealand is that it is lush EVERYWHERE so having lettuce, tomatoes, beans and rainbow chard growing beside the front door, is not all that weird. In the more established neighborhoods, it looks like the flora swallowed the houses whole and belched out a few bricks and some windows as an afterthought. Our new place is completely enveloped in plants and has a tropical resort feel to it. Even my son, whose admiration is generally reserved only for electronic gadgets, has remarked that he can't believe we get to live here. Agreed.

In addition to acquiring a green thumb, I am also starting this new 30 day health thing on Monday. I plan to shed every bit of the stress that I ingested the last three months of 2011. I've roped my husband into doing it with me, too, because it's no good if only one person in the marriage is a complete nutbar from lack of caffeine, food and alcohol. It's best for both to be equally insane. For extra motivation, I will have him snap me in a bikini, in my present state, which is a HORROR SHOW. If I fail to stick with the program for thirty days, he has my permission to publish the photo. You have no idea how much that frightens me.

Regardless of where my willpower ends up, it will be good to experience some reduction because I'm not interested in exploring any more letters of the alphabet where my bra size is concerned.

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Mark N said...

Glad the kids are enjoying NZ. Way before I was born, my father and his family moved to NZ (must find out where) but they moved back to the UK as they didn't like it!

Good luck with growing food. It's great for kids to understand that veg doesn't just come shrink-wrapped from the store.

Oh, and my wife winced in horror at your forfeit. She'll feel your pain if you don't make it.

Jeff said...

Joined a bootcamp training facility. Life changer! The best shape of my life was the Army and playing football. I knew this was the way for me to produce excellent fitness. The only will power is just showing up every day. The trainer pushes you for the rest. I highly recommend it. Dream of sailing to New Zealand one day. Just completed a seven week boat delivery through the Gulf of Mexico and up the east coast for experience. Enjoy seeing that you are enjoying the raw beauty of your new home. Well wishes for you and your family.