Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolution Remix

"If you build it, they will come."

These are memorable words from a great movie but I think the concept is applicable for anything in life. My personal belief is that we can think just about anything into reality so we better focus on good things, right? The mind is a powerful tool.

In that vein, I have composed a short list of New Year's Resolutions that I fully intend to cultivate over the next year because as I age and hopefully, mature, I realize that there are no limitations except the ones that I place on myself. So....

1. GET FIT. I didn't mention losing weight, on purpose, because it's a given. I'm trying something new (imagine that) but I'm pretty sure it will help me attain the goals I've set. I really don't have a lot of excuses. The beach is a two minute walk, there are heaps of running trails and parks here and I have a pool in my backyard.

2. READ FICTION. EVERY DAY. I miss reading for pleasure. It used to be the thing that I would do to relax, which is so much healthier than drinking.

3. GIVE THANKS. Silently, verbally, doesn't matter; only that there is acknowledgement. I think it is important, at least once a day, to take inventory and focus on what is awesome instead of getting derailed by the small things. I am going to take a page out of my husband's book and concentrate on finding the good in people and be grateful for each new friendship because that really seems to work for him. So, while I'm pretty sure that our new landlords are batshit crazy, I am planning to have them over for dinner and give them the benefit of the doubt.

4. DO TODAY WHAT COULD BE DONE TOMORROW. As a chronic procrastinator, being proactive versus reactive is probably a better path for me. This will be the year that I do not pay unnecessary courier fees to get documents someplace on time. This is the year that I will file my income taxes on April 15th instead of October 10th. I will buy my airline tickets earlier and secure trade show lodging before I need to sell a kidney to finance it. In 2012, no matter how unpleasant the task, I will do it BEFORE the deadline or pay someone else to do it for me.

5. ALLOW MY BUSINESS TO GROW. As a small business owner, taking a cautious, risk-adverse, position can occasionally inhibit growth. The "spend money to make money" philosophy has always rubbed me the wrong way but it is the reality. In the last quarter of 2011, my partner and I put together a couple of deals that have dramatically changed the course of our company. We are just beside ourselves with excitement but the demands and complexities of the deals have us shaking in our boots. However, I have decided to give myself permission to be wildly successful and to stop watching from the conservative sidelines. Sometimes, the biggest investment that needs to be made is in changing one's own belief system.

6. BE STILL. This will be the hardest one for me to adopt but it is the most important because when I quiet the noise in my head and just be; when I slow the frenetic pace down to a measured heartbeat and a deep breath, I find peace. In the silence, my mind sharpens and I am able to problem solve. I vow to make an effort to take fifteen minutes, at least once a day, to have a cup of tea and collect my thoughts because my only other option is yoga and it kicks my arse.

Happy New Year.

I hope the Mayans were wrong and that 2012 brings all of you love, happiness, health and prosperity.

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