Monday, December 8, 2008


I am mad.

Not of the raving lunatic type (although I'm sure that a case could be made) but of the rabid dog kind. I'm angry. At everyone and everything.

I am a mostly reasonable personality and while I have occasion to sometimes be high strung, most of the time I am able to talk myself off the ledge because I know that I am choosing to feel this way.

But one week out of every month, I am not rational. And as I have aged, this lack of control over my emotions seems to have worsened. My children keenly understand this shift in my behaviour and as they put on their kid gloves and their measured voices with me, I want to scream. There is something deeply disturbing about my six year old child being more judicious than I am.

My husband tiptoes around me whispering sweet nothings like, "whatever you like, my love" or "you know best" or "your bottom looks tiny in those pants". This weekend, he did really sexy things like vacuum the entire downstairs and gas, wash and vacuum my car. He is a saint and it hacks me off that I'm the only unhinged one in this relationship.

So, the cerebral self in an effort to slay the premenstrual dragon, thought it might be therapeutic to list the many factors contributing to the current state of mind. In the spirit of the holiday season, I thought it might be nice to hum it to a popular Christmas carol.

On the twelfth day of Christmas,
the universe gave to me:
12 defective chair backs,
11 moldy dog toothpastes,
10 extra pounds,
9 bathroom baseboards a-peeling,
8 daily loads of laundry,
7 days too cold to ride,
6 unreasonable buyers,
4 letters from the IRS ,
3 nights of broken sleep,
2 crazy ex spouses,
And one cat missing for a week!

Bah humbug.

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Holly said...

Well to me, the worst of all of those by far is the cat missing for a week. Our little Cochin bantam rooster disappeared Sunday. He wasn't anywhere to be seen at feeding time Sunday evening. We spent forever, in blowing snow, freezing cold, and total darkness searching the brush for him. If he was hiding somewhere, I'm sure he's gone, as Monday morning when we got up it was -4, and I have no doubt the wind chill was around -15 to -20. The wind was howling all night, woke me up several times. He wouldn’t have survived the night out in that cold by himself with no other chickens to huddle with and keep warm. I'm going to miss that little guy - he was too cute, and his crow sounded like a squeak toy. Hopefully, since cats are much more self-sufficient and don’t have the many predators little bitty chickens do, your cat will return after gallivanting around the surround 3 counties.

Anonymous said...

I'm having the same kind of week!!! Wish three certain people could adapt!! lol
suppose it's in the genes Sista???

luv' ya
glad your back...AND I feel better :)

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

As a fellow PMDD sufferer (seriously) I take medicine for it and I am less irrational once a month.

It might sound stupid to someone who doesn't know what I am talking about, or the level of rage you really feel but it has drastically improved my quality of life AND the quality of life for my family during those weeks.

Anonymous said...

bring on the medicine chickie!!! lol