Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas Kiwi

My husband has submitted his Christmas list and at the very top were two items that gave me pause.

ANZAC biscuits and Louise cake.

Since I grew up in the northern hemisphere, I had no idea what either of these baked goods were and after my aesthetically dismal but tasty experience with Pavlova, I was a bit concerned about my ability to fulfill his wishes.

The first obstacles were the measurements. What the heck does 90 grams of butter look like? Well, according to a handy online converter, it's 18.9 teaspoons, 0.40 cups or 6.3 tablespoons. For someone like me who is slightly anal retentive, these numbers made my head explode.

I am a pretty good cook and I usually bake well but not because I'm an intuitive savant in the kitchen. I CAN READ. I follow directions. I am precise in the measurements and I follow the recipe to the letter. If it calls for folding, I fold. I level the flour in the measuring cup. I set the timer. I have NOTHING in common with those who reach in, pat the top of a cake and know it needs another few minutes. I am the type that goes through an entire can of Crisco trying to make the perfect pie crust.

I have cried over pie crust.

To make matters worse, I come from a family of women who are culinary goddesses.


They are able to cook AND carry on a conversation. They own aprons. They also sew, make elaborate scrapbooks for their kids, style their hair in the mornings AND work outside of the home. I am not even close to being in their league.

But I digress.

I was able to overcome my OCD tendencies in regard to the metric measurements only to be waylaid by the damn ingredients. Unsweetened dessicated coconut? Golden syrup? I contemplated just using regular fancy coconut and honey or corn syrup but these goodies were on Dallas's Christmas list as in "Baby, seriously. All I want for Christmas is ANZAC biscuits and Louise cake", which kind of makes it hard to skimp on pesky details like a FLAVOUR PROFILE he's known and loved for forty years.

I went online in search of recipes. We called his Grammie Rhodie in Papatoetoe. There was no getting around it. The signature taste of the cookies was reliant upon a single ingredient.

In blog after blog, I was told that the crunchy yet chewy goodness could only be achieved with Lyle's. Yeah, so twenty plus bucks later, I had ordered six bottles of the stuff which was probably overkill considering the recipe only calls for two tablespoons. I plan on using golden syrup in pecan pie, in my butter tarts and every other place I had once used corn syrup because OH MY FREAKING TASTEBUDS, this stuff is liquid gold.

And the cookies are all kinds of buttery, caramely, lick-your-fingers fabulous. Dallas has been having them for a snack with his morning tea and since they have a cup of oatmeal in them, this is probably acceptable somewhere.

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1 comment:

Holly said...

Hmmm, yeah. Sort of like trying to make treacle tart (Harry Potter's fav dessert!) without treacle. No sort of corn syrup available in the US is a suitable substitute. Kudos to you for forging ahead, ordering online, and making them for him. True love. :-)

Oh, and don't cry over pie crust. Seriously, I've yet to ever taste pie crust THAT good. I cheat and buy the premade ones you just unroll. They are at least edible and no fighting to roll them out! Bonus!