Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Body Hates Me

Oh my. I can barely move this morning.

Monday night, we were back at the gym for our Body Pump class after a two week hiatus. Dallas warned me to go light with the weights and I heeded that advice for the most part but it didn't matter. Today, I am a stiff, painful mess.

The soreness is so widespread that I actually had a fitful night's sleep. Every time I moved, I woke myself up moaning. This morning, I stumbled into the bathroom, quads and calves screaming and used the bathroom walls as braces to lower myself onto the pot.

We have another class tonight. To say that I am dreading the squat set is an understatement of biblical proportions. And tears spring to my eyes when I think of the lunges that will have to be performed.

I have decided to encourage both of my brainiac children to enter the field of research medicine with the specific purpose of developing a magic pill that will melt body fat without diet or exercise or any ill side effects.

Once they discover this little gem and sell it to big pharma my children, having been conditioned to understand that I gave them life therefore they OWE me, will buy a tropical island somewhere and allow us to spend the rest of our days drunk, well-fed and THIN.

I can hope, right?

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1 comment:

Holly said...

Oh, please, let me jump in on the ground floor of that future development, okay? You at least have the umph to get up and exercise. Me, not so much.