Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wrap, Pack, Box and Tape

The internet is both a blessing and a curse for an information junkie like me. Search engines have become part of my everyday vernacular as in, "Let me just google that" or "I don't know. I have to do a bit of research (read: Wikipedia) first." I love the internet. Thank you AL Gore. (Bwahahaha)

Anyway, now that we have committed to THE BIG MOVE, I am spending every available waking moment searching for housing in Florida.

And I am making myself nuts.

I don't know why I am so obsessed. It's not like Dallas and I are prepared to make an offer on a house today and if we choose to rent, we won't be signing anything until late July. But I can't seem to help myself. After the kids are in bed, I invariable log on to one of the many real estate sites and take tour after endless tour of the available homes. I've bookmarked them and evaluated where our furniture might go. I've tsk tsked over shoddy landscaping, heinous wallpaper and outlandish wall colours. I've rhapsodized over elaborate pools and mahogany built ins.

I am plagued.

But I understand this insatiable desire to research the real estate market to death. Doing this stops me from dwelling the labourious part of the move. I haven't a single pack rat gene in my body. In fact, I've been known to throw things out and go looking for them months later. However, I do have a well developed procrastination gene and this causes me to squirrel things away in dark places, swearing that I will file them or toss them or otherwise thoughtfully place them somewhere in the near future. You know how you tell yourself that this will be the year that you prune your file cabinet? I've been saying that for a decade. I cringe.

No matter how sparse my sensibilities, the prospect of having to meticulously wrap and pack every item in my house makes my head explode. And then there is the unpacking on the other end. I cannot bear to think about all of

So instead of stewing over it, I go online, take a house tour and imagine myself in our soon-to-be new house in our soon-to-be new hot tub with cocktail in hand.

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1 comment:

Holly said...

Yeah, I looked and looked at log cabin plans. Subscribed to magazines. Bought home design computer programs. Then BAM. The move, planned for oh, a year or so away, was suddenly changed because of a job offer, to weeks away. Quick internet search, booked a flight, looked at our house, signed a contract the next day, closed 3 weeks later. BAM. Yeah, we actually bought the only house I looked at, and Michael actually signed at closing, sight unseen. He hadn't even seen the house yet!

Ah, but I was oh so thankful that I worked where there was a handy dandy shredder. I'm talking SHREDDER. The sort for major, major classified documents. So my 'file cabinet', could be dumped into it a brown grocery bagful at a time and ground into nothing but dust in a nano-second. Sweet. I miss having one of those available to me! :-)