Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Man kidnaps 11 year old girl and holds her captive for eighteen years.

He rapes her repeatedly, fathering two children with her; the first when she was just fourteen years old.

She and her two children are imprisoned in the BACKYARD of a structure in a cluster of shanties and tents.


They are not schooled. They are not socialized. They live like animals.

Man is married.

The wife of this sick bastard is more than an accomplice. Turns out she is an enthusiastic participant.

Both plead "not guilty", promising a great story with a "heartwarming" ending.

I have to turn the television off because the story is more than I can stomach.

I do not believe that pedophiles can be rehabilitated.

But I also do not support the death penalty.

These two monsters make it easy to understand why some people do.

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Helen said...

Oh Beth- I don't believe pedophiles can be rehabilitated either. Unless, they have a stroke that destroys half of their brain.

But I think the death penalty is the right thing for those people, since our justice system would give them a nicer place to live than what they did to that girl and her children.

Yeah, part of the reason I don't watch TV anymore. I already know these people exist. I don't want to expect it, however, I want to recoil in horror, and strike out in justice.

And yeah, both that guy and his wife are equally guilty. Not human, but guilty.

And how appropriate that my word verification is dique. Geez, does God have a sense of humor, or what?

Holly said...

ARgh!! Don't get me started on this one! I could go off on so many tangents!

First, I don't believe they can be rehabilitated, and the death penalty is too good for animals like this. Actually, to call them animals is a gross injustice to animals.

I freak every time I read about her being an accomplice. ACCOMPLICE! You have GOT to be shitting me! She is just as guilty. Sweet Jesus - the man when to jail for 5 months, FIVE MONTHS, in 1993, and that freak of a woman never took that girl to the police station, her home, ANYWHERE - even just to drop her off and run like hell? He was in jail for 5 months before this poor girl, now woman, was ever even pregnant the first time at 14 years old.

As far as I'm concerned, all men are pigs, or have the capability inside them to be pigs - perverts - whatever. But that woman? She pisses me off more than he does. Behavior like that from men does NOT surprise me one little bit. Behavior like that from a woman? Seriously pisses me off. I'd expect better from any woman, although I know that women can be just as sick as men. Ugh.