Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Future Weekend Gardener

Have I mentioned the Omnivore's Dilemma and how you need to run out right thisverysecond and get yourself a copy or get the free Kindle app from Amazon on your computer and download it?

Whew. I felt an evangelical moment coming on there and had to take a second to let it pass.

Anyway, the book has changed my life. For real. But there have been some unexpected side effects.

Like delusion.

This weekend, I purchased one of those above ground garden beds so that when the spring hits, we can fill it with a mixture of compost and organic soil and grow stuff to eat. I have these pastoral visions of bounty whereby I say things like, "C'mon kids. Let's go pick our dinner!" And in my dream, they clap their hands together in excitement, grab a basket and skip out the back door behind me.

Unfortunately, my children are the only things that I have managed to grow with any success and let's be clear; by success, I mean that I haven't killed them. I can't say the same thing for the plants that have crossed my path so, this whole garden idea of mine could wind up being just another litterbox for the neighbourhood cats. It's a crap shoot.

Regardless, I've heard that vigorous gardening burns about 300 calories an hour. While not as efficient as the treadmill, there's still a part of me that will be thinking about that as I sow, water, weed and (hopefully) harvest.

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