Monday, February 1, 2010

Random Monday Thoughts

The kids are home from school today.


I am determined not to let this bother me in spite of the fact that these NEVER ENDING SNOW DAYS are making it difficult to book our holiday home to Canada. Originally, we thought it would be a great idea to go the week after Memorial Day to take advantage of the stat holiday but alas, the children will be sitting in a classroom doing productive things like cleaning out their desks and having pizza parties.

No matter.

On Friday, I was in a meeting when my son text me to let me know that they had finished their chores and oh, by the way, Olivia had consumed several extra vitamins.


I excused myself from the meeting, called home and learned that she had ingested 7 vitamins. Panicked, I put the kids on hold and called poison control who assured me that she would be fine except there was no telling how her bowels would respond. She could either be spending a lot of quality time on the potty or she could be stopped up like a clogged drain. They recommended that she drink water and that I get a lick of common sense and put the vitamins in a cool, dark, OUT OF REACH, place. So much for the child proof cap.

The weekend was marginally better. I got a pedicure and a manicure but I didn't get my period. Oh sorry. Was that too much info?

I bring it up only because it's been 43 days since my last one and I am trying desperately to avoid thinking about the implications. Since my hubby no longer has any swimmers, it can't be a bun in the oven, right? RIGHT? I refuse to entertain the idea that somehow, nature has overcome the handiwork of a surgeon.

So, that leaves me with the obvious.

I don't know whether to throw a party in celebration or to mourn. There is something slightly disconcerting when one's fertility can only be seen in the rear view mirror.

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1 comment:

ffej said...

I can only imagine this blog with a bun in YOUR oven. Makes me laugh just thinking about them:)