Thursday, August 4, 2011


Total pounds lost: 9.3

I've been stuck at roughly the same weight for the past couple of days, which, with any other diet, would have given my weak brain permission to throw in the towel and get myself some dark chocolate. It won't go down that way this time because, damn, I feel great!

The only thing I'm having a hard time managing is keeping the fruit and vegetables fresh. It's hard to buy once a week like we always have because herbs and leafy greens like kale and chard, wilt pretty quickly. Thus, we are forced to shop about every three days. It also costs a freaking fortune to juice two or more times a day but for a fifteen day reboot, we can suck it up.

This weekend, we've got a couple of social engagements that involve restaurants and alcohol. I'm a bit concerned. I'm not worried about cheating because frankly, I feel too good to bung it up but I am wondering what in the hell we will find to eat. I know that it's not the end of the world and if I had to go without, I would be just fine but the social part of eating is problematic. I want to go, order, draw minimal attention and just participate. Whether we can find something to eat is secondary. However, I've learned with my whole gluten issue that food challenges make other people uncomfortable. They either don't believe that the problem is real or they want to solve it. Either way, it just leads to awkward moments and I'd kind of like to slide under the radar and get through the weekend without being known as the high maintenance, teetotaling, vegan, celiac.

Or wackado, for short.

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