Monday, August 1, 2011


Pounds lost over weekend: 2.2

Total Pounds Lost: 8.4

There is a magical moment in every woman's life that I experienced this weekend.

It wasn't watching my son clean his own toilet although that did bring me a certain amount of joy.

It wasn't having our air conditioner break AGAIN and have it fixed the same day after a really silly answering service girl asked me if this was "an emergency". Hmmm.... it's 105 degrees outside and has been for 25+ days. Let me think about that one for a minute. Yes, yes I do believe it was an emergency.

It wasn't getting out of Whole Foods for less than $300 with SIX huge bags of groceries, although I could have sworn that when I swiped my bank card, I could hear harps strumming.

My magical moment was realizing that my current diet is working. This latest juicing-veggie-eating-lifestyle IS WORKING. For real.

I feel ridiculously good. Crazy good. I have more energy than I've had in at least fifteen years. My mind is crystal clear. The peri-menopausal hot flashes are GONE. I am premenstrual right now and I have no chocolate cravings at all nor do I feel the urge to drive into the back of every crap driver on the road. It's a miracle. My nails are growing abnormally fast. My skin has changed in both clarity and in its ability to hold so much more moisture. I seem to require less sleep and when I wake up in the morning, I'm ready to start my day instead of feeling exhausted.

The weight loss is a bonus, albeit, a very, very desirable bonus.

I understand the choice to be vegan now. It used to be that I thought they were extremist, PETA-card-carrying, betacarotene-stained wackados. Shameful generalization, I know. But I get it now. If I can feel like this most days, it would be pretty hard to go back to my former lifestyle. I won't end up a vegan for several reasons but mainly because I think we need protein and fat from animal sources and I like meat. However, at the end of this fifteen days, I can say with absolute certainty that I will make plant based items the bulk of my diet.

You know, when we coughed up $150 for a juicer that will have to be sold in the next two months I felt indulgent and wasteful. Upon eight days of reflection, it is the single best purchase I've made in my life.


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