Monday, August 8, 2011


Total pounds lost: 11.2

Now that we have reached the last day of this healthy kickstart, Dallas and I are not quite ready to give it up. We like the results. The two of us seem to function so much better when we are on some sort of a regimented plan. I am still amazed that fruit and vegetables, consumed mostly raw, could have this big an impact on mood and energy level. And weight loss? It has exceeded my expectations.

When I think back to the last time in my life when I was sustainably thin (defined as any period longer than one year), it was the period immediately before I had my children. I was living in San Diego, very physically active and a vegetarian. I can't say I was all that healthy, though. I still ate white bread, drank like a sailor and smoked but even with those vices, I felt better as a thin person. It isn't about vanity although, of course, I care about how I look. It's about sleeping well at night and having the energy to fully engage in life. It's about viewing the glass half full and visiting the doctor less.

We're not quite sure how the rest of the week is going to look as far as what we're going to eat. We will probably reintroduce animal protein back into the mix but I think we've said good bye to dairy for the most part. I'm not saying that a piece of cheese will never be on the plate again but we've decided to stay on this course. We are finding it easy to adhere.

This weekend, we went out to dinner with friends to a Mexican place. We had sparkling water and shared vegetable fajitas. Would I have rather have had a cocktail or three? Absolutely but Sunday morning, I woke up without a hangover, down a pound on the scale and full of the kind of energy I remember having as a teenager. So, at the end of the day, for me, there really isn't that much of a decision to make.

If you are interested, check out Joe Cross's film, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead". If you are interested in trying a fifteen day reboot of your own, go here for more information. You never know. It might be just what you've been looking for.

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