Monday, March 10, 2008

Leisa and Shane

After leaving the Auckland airport, we made the decision to head out to Pukekohe, where Leisa (Dallas's sister) and her family live. Just as a side note for those of you who are not adept with the Maori place names and pronunciations: Pukekohe is not pronounced "puke co he", like something you'd vomit. It's "Pookie Co ee", like an endearment.

Right, then.

Dallas had told me all about Leisa. According to him, she was (and I quote), "wicked smart", "an excellent mother" and hell on wheels as a teenager. So, I was sufficiently terrified to meet her.

This is Leisa. In July, she will formally become my sister but in my heart, she's there already. She is everything Dallas told me and more. We had shared a few emails and text messages before I made the trip to New Zealand so I had a feel for who she was but I was still surprised to walk into her home that Monday morning and have her hug me like we'd known each other forever.

It is said (by the nuptial kings and queens) that the size of your wedding party should be dictated by how many people you truly hold dear. Leisa had six bridesmaids but could easily have doubled that figure with the number of women who comprise her inner circle. She is fiercely loyal, dangerously smart and classic in an Audrey Hepburn kind of way. She has her mum's grace combined with her dad's practicality and martini dry sense of humour. She is extraordinary and I'm thrilled we'll get to covertly Botox ourselves to non expression together. I love her.

This is Shane. He is a deadbeat father who refuses to financially support his children. He is a pathological liar and a thief who spent a few months in the pokey recently after fleecing a charity organization of some serious bucks. He nearly financially ruined my mother and father in law. He is a complete waste of carbon. You can read all about him here and here and here.

Edit: Leisa married him, unfortunately, without knowing that in less than six months, her life was going to completely unravel. She left him shortly before the end of 2008 and is now living happily with a new partner.

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