Wednesday, September 17, 2008

HCG Diet Round Two

Did I mention that I'm back on the HCG thing again?

About three weeks ago, I figured that it was time to put down the rum, the chocolate, the bread and anything else remotely pleasurable to see if I couldn't drop another size or two before Christmas. Remember I told you about one of my office mates and that had shed nearly 60 pounds? Well, she is the model of personal resolve and just finished her fourth or fifth round of HCG since last year. She can now be classified as thin.

Thin and Beth.

(I know that last blurb doesn't make any sense but I've never had the word "thin" in the same sentence as my name before so I wanted to try it out to see how it looked.)

Yeah, so she's THIN.

As in her size six pants are a bit loose.

Size six and Beth.

(Same deal. Makes me slightly giddy)

The scale hasn't moved much since I started (10 pounds as of this morning) but I haven't been terribly well behaved. This past weekend, we went to Brandon's birthday party and I was mostly in control until I spotted this:

smothering a block of cream cheese.

There are no words to describe how good this is. Sitting next to that plateful of heaven, was a bowl of blue corn chips.

I took a small chip and dipped it, convinced that I was capable of being satisfied with a mere taste. Like THIN people are. And, of course, you know how that turned out. I parked myself at the table. Tortilla chips were flying. I would have licked the plate if I had been by myself. And then, once the dam was breached, it was nothing to have a slice or three of pizza. Did I mention the birthday cake? Finger-licking good.

So, after experiencing a food hangover late Saturday night, I renewed my resolve. I don't mind spending 80% of my life on a diet because when you don't know any differently, you can cope but seriously, in my next life, I want to come back as Michael Phelps. Who wouldn't want to be young, a man, with big dollar endorsements, abs of steel and the ability to consume 12,000 calories a day?


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you have ever tried weight watchers but it really is a great way to do it. You can eat what you want, cheat a little and it teaches the proper habits of moderation and the ability to eat more if you make some good choices. Over 30 pounds and counting for me. Can't even wear the same pants as last year without them just falling off. Good Luck!