Thursday, September 4, 2008

The List

Steph the Magnificent came into my office the other day and asked me if I had seen the short blurb on David Duchovny

and his apparent sex addiction.

Um, no, I hadn't seen it and thanks to Stephanie, I wasn't able to think of much else for the rest of the day. Sex addiction, eh?

The thing is, Duchovny does it for me.

Since the X-Files.

Californication, his new gig on Showtime, is absolutely delicious. Love, love, love him.

Of course, I am a married woman now and the topic of celebrity shag lists hasn't conveniently popped up in conversation as of yet but I'm pretty sure that Dallas has a few names on his.

For instance, didn't every man his age want to bed Julie on the Love Boat? Remember her? She made polyester fashionable.

Too bad about the cocaine thing.

Anyway, my top ten list looks like this and they are in no particular order and subject to change if I find out something horrible about them.

Like if they vote Republican.

1. David Duchnovy
2. Ed Burns
3. George Clooney (please God, don't let him be gay)
4. Jason Statham
5. Mark Ruffalo
6. Hugh Jackman
7. Colin Firth
8. Antonio Banderas
9. Brad Pitt
10. James Spader

And as I compiled this list of men who I consider sponge-worthy, I couldn't help but notice that it took me forever to come up with ten. And with each name that I added, I wondered:

Would he make me tea at night?
Would he fold the towels my way?
Would he fill my gas tank without me knowing?
Would he watch Gray's Anatomy with me even though he'd rather have someone beat him to death, slowly and with a blunt object?
Would he bring me coffee in bed every single morning?
Would he send me text messages during my work day to let me know that I was on his mind?
Would he read and understand owner's manuals so that I never have to decipher one again?
Would he share my passion for Harleys, rum and a good book?
Would he find me attractive in spite of the pull of gravity, the lure of dark chocolate and challenges of an ex husband?

Umm...not likely.

My husband is a hard act to follow.

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Anonymous said...

I did a write up on Duchovny's sex addiction over at MamaPop and I used the word RAWR in it.

I think my husband is still updet.

Holly said...

I'd have to agree with several on your list. If I was to make up a list.

I'd also have to do some of my own comparisons, and they would probably all come up short as well.

And hey, what a wonderful tribute to Dallas - in an off handed sort of way! :-)

Chris Cactus said...

So, I accidentally ran George Clooney and Ed Burns in my head and though, for a minute, you had George Burns on your list. I was mildly terrified for a minute.