Thursday, June 25, 2009

Good Bye, Farrah.

I wasn't planning on posting today but just now, I read the news that Farrah Fawcett has passed away after her much publicized battle with cancer.

God, that makes me sad.

She was the first television star that registered on my radar. I thought she was the prettiest, most glamourous woman that I had ever seen and like millions of other girls, I sat in the beauty shop begging for the stylist to feather my hair just like Farrah's. I wanted to grow up and marry the Six Million Dollar Man, too. To me, she was the perfect combination of feminine, sporty, strong and smart. And she seemed genuinely nice. I yearned to be her.

Perhaps the news of her death has hit me like this because cancer is such a painful way to go. More likely, it is because remembering her takes me back to the happiest years in my childhood. Frozen Koolaid popsicles on a hot summer day, the feel of Brûlé beach between my toes and arguing with my cousins about who got to be Jill Munroe in our game of Charlie's Angels are all hallmarks of my fondest memories.

I am going to choose to remember her like this when she was the picture of health and the world was her oyster.

Rest in Peace, Farrah.

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1 comment:

Domartello said...

also am very triste.Vamos always have it in our living pensamentos.Ela was the beauty, we can compare the beauty of it as the beauty of rosas.Estamos all tristes.Não know I speak your language perdoe.Um hug.