Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Just a Hair From Madness

I don't want to be all whiny and sucky but if I get one more thing on my plate at work, I am going to lose it.

Today, I arrived at the office forgetting my lunch in the refrigerator at home. It nearly reduced me to tears because this means that I'm going to have to take a precious thirty minutes out of my day to go home and get it. AND I JUST DON'T HAVE 30 FRICKEN MINUTES TO SPARE.

Because I have important things to do...like write a post.


Anyway, I'm trying to deal with the stress by telling myself that I am fortunate to be this busy and to have this many balls in the air. I also know that hormonally, things are wildly out of kilter and I'm not rational. This will pass.

In about four days.

So in the meantime, I just have to keep my head down, plow through the mountain of work on my desk and stay away from sharp objects.

My husband has taken to wearing a helmet and leaving small bits of chocolate in my path to soothe the crazed bitch my nerves.


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1 comment:

feefifoto said...

Your husband is very smart and / or well trained.