Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's the Food, Dummy.

So, I'm trying to lose weight.

You must be so tired of hearing me say that, right? I know because I'm sick to freaking death of even thinking about food and my bathroom scale and the fact that I work out HARD.


Sweat dripping off the end of my nose hard.

Breathless, sore, straining not to fart, hard.

Yeah, so last week was a nightmare as far as trying to maintain my routine because I had to eat most meals out and when the energy was flagging and someone offered up a cupcake, I was all, "Give me two."

Early Sunday morning, I hopped on the scale, stepped off and went back to bed figuring that I must have been really groggy because there was just no way that the number I saw could have been correct. Two hours later, I jumped on again and immediately, I wanted to give up, ferry my fat ass down to the nearest Krispy Kreme and embrace the doughnut whore inside of me.

(And yes, I understand that my relationship with food isn't healthy.)

What bothered me the most was that no amount of good behaviour in the gym or in the kitchen made a lick of difference. The scale didn't budge. Since October, I have exercised regularly and been mindful of what I've eaten, limiting my indulgences to a single day a week. I've worked out longer and harder with no measurable results on the scale although I now have the beginnings of some shapely biceps that I kind of like.

My mother's input? "It's the food, Beth. You're eating too much."

In my head, I told her to get stuffed but out loud, I reassured her that I couldn't possibly be consuming fewer calories.

The fitness magazines I read told me that if there was a prolonged plateau in the weight loss, it had to be food related.

"Keep a food journal," they said. Not likely, I thought.

One afternoon at the gym, I had a conversation with a woman I see there regularly. She's roughly the same age and same height but her body is like a sculpted statue of a Greek goddess. I figured she must have some sort of secret because how in the world does someone get that body? So I asked her.

She gave me a lot of advice that day but the thing that stuck with me was when she said, "Weight loss is 20% exercise, 80% food." Hmm...back to that food thing again. No denying it.

So, I started using this iPhone app called "Lose It" that tracks calories and exercise that I had downloaded last year but neglected to use with any regularity. I began this past Sunday by logging the calories that I had consumed that morning for breakfast.

And then I shat myself.

I had two fried eggs, two pieces of toast with butter and two cups of coffee with cream for a grand total of 886 calories which is the equivalent of a Big Mac and small fries.


Imagine that.

My handy dandy calorie counter has not left my side since and this morning, a mere three days after my epiphany, I have lost 5.4 lbs.

The only sucky thing about all this newly acquired hope is that I'm going to have to hear my mum say, "I told you so."

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Rosie said...

Amazing. Now you should really start to see results. Fingers crossed for you.

I didn't end up going to Berstein. I read too many horror stories. So I lost 50 bucks. Oh well.

I started reading instead.

Specifically Stephen Guyenet's blog at:

and Kurt Harris MD.'s blog at:

Called PaNu for short.

For exercise, The Tabata Protocol at:

Tabata is 8 minutes 3 days a week.

I have lost 25lbs in one month.



Keeping in mind I have 75 to lose so obviously it's coming off faster at the beginning.

The amazing thing is, I feel great. Better than I have in years. I think I was poisoning myself with my food. Even stuff I thought was healthy. I am fast becoming a food scientist understanding and educating myself on what is in the food I ingest and how it affects the body. You're damn right it's the food!

My self-styled plan is very similar to a raw food diet, no wheat, no sugar, no dairy, nothing processed. Nothing.

It's hard but the results and the energy have me realizing that this is it for me.

I have finally found something that is working. I could weep.

Keep us posted with updates on your progress.

Love Ro xo

The Diet Girl said...

The end bit about your mum actually made me laugh out loud! I'm forever trying to ditch weight too (well forever being the 3 years from I had the munchkin) so I know how it feels. You have totally made me want to trade in my blackberry for an iphone now just for that ap lol. Good luck!