Monday, March 22, 2010


Today is my first official day off of three.

I am positively giddy.

Whatever shall I do first?

I am unaccustomed to so much unfettered time on my hands and consequently, I am fighting the urge to make lists. There is that pesky dental appointment this afternoon with the kids so perhaps that will be enough to quiet the Type A beast inside.

There are several things that I do want to accomplish in the next couple of days but none of them are marked urgent so they're not really causing me any stress.

I want to plant the square foot garden that Dallas and I created several weeks back. After watching "Food,Inc." and reading "The Omnivore's Dilemma", I decided that this year, we would grow our own organic produce. Of course, the fact that I have killed cacti might indicate that my garden plans are a bit ambitious but I'm going to try. And I'll document every bit of it so together, we can laugh at my mistakes (sure to be numerous) and celebrate (hopefully) my small victories. Did I mention that before any of the planting can take place, the fourteen inches of snow that we got over the weekend has to melt? Oh yes. Welcome to Northwest Arkansas where you can be mowing the lawn one day and shoveling snow off the driveway the next.

I want to work out at the gym as if I were a Hollywood starlet with a personal trainer. I know that I sound like a freak of nature but I am really looking forward to hitting some fitness goals this week. AND I'VE GOT ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD TO DO THAT.

I want to clean out at least four junk drawers and two closets because order puts me at peace.

I want to spend a lazy afternoon at the bookstore with a coffee in hand.

I want a pedicure.

And a deep tissue massage.

It looks like there is a bit of a list starting here, in spite of my promise to myself to just let it flow, so I had better leave it at that and get on with my holiday.

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1 comment:

Helen said...

I've assured myself many times that things like manicure, and massage, aren't actually a list. Really.