Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Big Meeting

Last night's events can be summed up in one word:


But really, wasn't that to be expected? I have yet to meet my ex's new love interest but I've heard about her and I have to admit that my curiosity is peaked. It's natural to want to get a look at the one that has stepped into your shoes.

Is she thin? (bitch)
Is she pretty? (mirror, mirror on the wall....)
Is she smart?

So I'm sure some of that was going on last night on both sides. In the same situation, men are likely to puff out their chests, stand up straight and ooze testosterone out of every pore but women are more feral. We smile and we might even shake hands or compliment the other woman on her jewelry choice but inside we are quiet, watchful and patient as we wait for the chink in the armour to present itself. Only then, when we see that her bum is just as gravity challenged as our own do we sheath the claws and make an attempt at small talk.

For me, the most interesting part of last night was to watch the dynamic between Dallas and his ex wife. They were familiar in a way that only people with a history can be but it wasn't threatening at all. Rather, it was more like witnessing two siblings with unresolved differences. Dallas was especially considerate of her feelings and made every attempt to normalize an uncomfortable situation. She was less inclined to meet him halfway. In fact, there were times when it felt like she was punishing him, angry perhaps, that he chose to accept his divorced status and move on.

I believe that with time, she and I might find more to talk about and if we don't, that's okay, too.

In other scintillating news, the Body For Life program is fabulous. My scale is still a filthy liar except that it's telling me I have lost 3.5% body fat. I can live with that. In the morning, if I squint my eyes, tilt my head 20 degrees, stand 10 feet back from the mirror and use soft candle light, I think I can see an abdominal muscle. Of course, it could just be the way the light hits the toothpaste splatter on the mirror...........

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