Thursday, January 17, 2008

Welcome Back Carbs. I've Missed You.

How did it get to be Thursday already? This week has flown by in a flurry of clients, children and loathsome work out sessions. Actually, the work outs are not so bad. It's just hard to get excited about schlepping to the gym at 4:45 am. However, the alternative: late afternoon sessions, are out of the question.

Dallas has recently introduced me to the "Body For Life" plan. Apparently, he has used the system for a while with good results. This weekend, we bought the book and committed to working the plan at least until we head off to New Zealand, which is 37 days away (not that I'm counting). The absolute best part about this plan is that I get to have carbohydrates again. Pasta, bread, fruit....I can't believe it. Tonight we are having shrimp scampi over penne pasta. I may lick the plate.

Last night, we went to the gym to do an upper body work out. I loved it. After we got back home, Dallas made us a couple of protein shakes and told me to raise my arms above my head and wave them.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because tomorrow, you won't be able." Hmmm.

Then, probably because we worked out so late, he had trouble falling asleep. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't be much of an issue but we had plans to go to the gym in the morning at 5am. We won't be doing any more evening sessions on weeknights.

So this morning, off we went. I don't hate the elliptical machine anymore. I secretly love it. My shins don't hurt, my knees don't scream and I get twenty two minutes of high energy music. It's a great way to start the day.

As we go through the next several weeks, I'll be posting our progress but this will never include an actual weight number because my scale lies. I've contemplated doing before and after photos but the thought of publishing my ample arse in a bikini makes me hyperventilate. Minor details...I'll figure something out.

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