Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Battle with the Id

Today marks the 26th day on the HCG diet. I have lost a total of 21.6 pounds. And feel free to round that puppy up. I don't feel deprived. I am not crazy and for goodness sakes, thousands have lost weight this way. It is perfectly safe. Relax already.

People have sent me notes telling me that a diet like this is too restrictive. Well, yes, it's restrictive. It's a DIET. Let's face it, there is no magic pill out there which will prevent Rice Krispy squares from settling on my hips. I have a sweet tooth. And a deep fried tooth. And a tortilla chips smothered in cheese and topped with guacamole tooth. I LOVE to eat.

However, this diet has forced me to reevaluate my relationship with food. I am most definitely an emotional eater and sweets are like that jealous boy every woman dates at least once. Intuitively, we know that they aren't good for us in the long term but they sure satisfy the immediate need.

So we indulge.


Recently, I have found that during times of stress (scissor issues), I have been more inclined to think about a piece of carrot cake than a cigarette, which is progress, really. If I had to pick, I'd prefer to expire quickly with a heart attack rather than linger with lung cancer. Except that overeating is a lot like smoking cigarettes. At some point, you have to have a chat with that person in the mirror that you no longer recognize or respect. Once I made the decision to quit smoking, there was nothing in the world that could have stopped me. Likewise, on my wedding day I wanted to feel beautiful and carrying the extra weight was going to make that difficult for me. So I made the decision to do this diet and for the most part, it has worked out quite well. My resolve seems to be a heck of a lot stronger than the lure of a chocolate chip cookie.

I still have another 35 lbs to lose. I have no doubt that I'll get that accomplished before Christmas. One thing is for certain, though: I will NEVER allow myself to gain it back. High blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease run in the family and I'm kind of partial to the freedom that comes with good health. So, as I spear yet another cucumber round and give thanks for the comforting myth that is negative calorie food, I know that with each pound gone, I've increased my chances of living long enough to drive my children crazy ensure that my children will honour my "DO NOT RESUSCITATE" order when the time comes.

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