Monday, November 5, 2007

Who You Calling Player?

I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. The weather was ideal, the fall colours were at their peak and my children called Daddy's house home for two days. It was a delicious little bonus that daylight savings ended this weekend because Sundays are my favourite day of the week and to get that extra hour tickled me to no end.

I rode like a crazy woman all day Sunday. In the morning, I went out to visit Tim and his class, which was fun. It was interesting to watch them because they struggled with the same exercises my group did and now, after a few months of riding, I know that those same drills would be a cake walk for me. (I think)

Tim and I also had a bit of time to catch up on a personal level and it was during this discussion that he referred to me as a "player". What? Player? PLAYER!! Ouch. But really, player? C'mon. That term usually refers to hot men who date several women at once, sleep with them all and manipulate them into believing that each one of their relationships is exclusive.

First of all, I don't think I qualify as hot. Cute? Well maybe. But I'm going to be a grandmother...automatic hot disqualification. Yes, I have dated several people, often within the same week but going to dinner or taking in a movie is not the same as a shag fest. If things progress to a relationship, I adhere to the rules. I cannot help it that I feel like a noose is tightening around my neck after a few weeks of the serious stuff. I am not ready for serious but you see, therein lies the dilemma because I am equally unable to have casual sex. I wish I was like Samantha from Sex in the City because she went out there and took what she wanted and made no apologies. But that just isn't real life.

Not to be all Lady MacBeth who doth protest too much but player?


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Anonymous said...

Ooooops, I guess you didn't take that as a compliment.. How about instead of player it's good to have choices.. :-)

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have casual sex....