Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Surgery Day

Today is the day I get my nerve back. I'd be so much more excited if this didn't involve general anaesthesia, surgery casts and staples but numbies like me can't be choosy.

When I last met with Dr.Sexy Metro Boy, he told me that he was going to go in and release the five known compression points because you can't tell visually which one is the trouble maker. Five for the price of one. Who knew I'd get a Wal-Mart deal in the OR? Lucky me.

Next, he will bend my elbow and if the ulnar nerve stays in the cubital tunnel, I'm golden. If not, he will move the nerve from the bony part of the elbow to the soft inside part. Do you have a visual? No? Oh let me help you.

Gross, eh?

I'm sure everything will go well and the fringe benefit is that I'll have a doctor's note to be lit up like a Christmas tree for the next couple of days.

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Unknown said...


I'll be thinking of you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Even the visual was beyond the scope of what my little mind can grasp when it comes to stuff like that, but I do hope that it all goes the way you and the doc are hoping, and I do hope that the pills you get make you as happy as you want them to. Good luck!