Friday, June 22, 2007

Ms. Clean

Well, today was a monumental day in the life of my family. Today was Linda's first day as our housekeeper! Just the word, "housekeeper" in the same sentence as my house makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Of course, I ran around like a mad woman last night putting away toys, picking up clothes, and using Clorox Wipe Ups in my bathrooms. I can't have the housekeeper know how slovenly we really are!!! Actually, Linda is very no nonsense. She told me what products she uses and expected them to be ready for her when she got here today. She expected us all to make our beds. I did make mine this morning and I have to tell looked so much better but really, what was the point? I'll be right back in there tonight.
I went to Wal-Mart after work yesterday to stock up on the necessary supplies. Big 409 glass cleaner. I had hoped that Linda would be okay with the Windex.
Well, I got home after work today and from the second I opened the door, something was different. I expected the house to be clean but was sparkly. She dusted the fake plants!!! She also left a little note asking me to really scrub down my shower for her this week so that when she comes next week, she won't have to stay an extra 30 minutes to do this. Now, I'm no slouch in the cleaning department so I opened the shower door and had a really good look to see what could possibly occupy her for half an hour. Looked clean to me...
Did I mention that Linda came highly recommended (as in..."You have got to call her and get on her list. She's booked solid but I hear her Friday morning is moving to Colorado") or that cleaning houses has her driving a Mercedes SUV?
Maybe I had better take another look at that shower.

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