Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Two Year Itch

I'm told that for most people, boredom/restlessness/apathy seems to settle in around the seven year mark. This would not be true for me. I would estimate that somewhere between 20 and 30 months, I develop a serious case of the yawns.

It is genetic. My mother is afflicted with the same disease.

What happens is that during this transition time, little vapours of discontent slowly seep into the subconscious whispering gems like:

"You should have another baby"
"Skydiving might be fun"
"This car doesn't suit you anymore"
"Sell everything you own, pack up the kids and write your own Poisonwood Bible"

When it really gets bad, I am forced to take action. Since my twenties (when I identified this phenomenom), the following are things that I have done to try to shake up my vanilla life.

  1. Moved to a different country. I sold everything I owned, packed two suitcases, booked a flight and landed in San Diego with $300 and no plan.
  2. Married a gay man. To be fair, I wasn't conscious of that fact at the time but looking back, it waddled and quacked so I probably should have assumed it was a bloody duck.
  3. Joined an outrigger canoe paddling club. You have not lived until you've hulied in 52 degree water.
  4. Switched jobs because making good money with excellent hours and very little responsibility just blew.
  5. Moved to the beach.
  6. Learned to scuba.
  7. Moved to Michigan.
  8. Moved to Houston. (are you picking up a pattern here?)
  9. Changed jobs.
  10. Atkins
  11. The Zone
  12. Protein Power Diet
  13. Hoodia
  14. Eat Right for Your Blood Type
  15. The Maker's Diet
  16. Grapefruit Diet
  17. South Beach Diet (another pattern)
  18. Proud owner of the Band Flex Gym: used 2x
  19. Golf
  20. Blogging

Currently, I am casually looking through the real estate listings in my area. The cerebral self is telling me to banish such foolish thoughts because can't a slip 'n slide can provide as much relief from the heat and humidity as a pool?

The emotional, knee-jerk, stuck- in- the- Freudian- id- stage is encouraging me to go find my dream home even though it will mean that I have to mow my own lawn and (gasp) clean my own house.

I really, really, really like having my house cleaned so for now, the brain is winning. Of course, there is the small dog that lives behind me that barks and barks and barks and barks and barks..........

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