Tuesday, November 27, 2007

On Becoming a Gym Rat

I had a pretty challenging Monday at work. I sat in front of my computer for most of the day trying desperately to get my arms around the number of projects sitting on my desk. Some days, it's all I can do to cross one or two things off my "Hot List".

Please don't misunderstand. I am NOT complaining because if there aren't any irons in the fire, I'm not making money. Busy is good but stretched to the limit is testing every last brain cell that still occupies my head. I'm afraid to sneeze.

Yesterday, I grabbed the kids from school, turned up the music and tried to get home early so that I could get dinner started and get to the gym. Olivia and I spent over an hour there. She coloured with her friends and I worked my chest and abs until I couldn't breathe. Even though I think up a million reasons why I don't want to go, I am always so happy that I did after I'm done.

That's the trouble with middle age. If you allow it, there is this insidious complacency that develops. Of course as we age, health becomes a greater concern but it's so easy to tell yourself that there is just not enough time in the day to make it to the gym. I will admit that spending time there is causing me to have to be a better meal planner but other than that, all of the excuses that I have used for the past several months have flown right out the window.

As I sit typing this, my arms are visibly shaking and my abdominal muscles are sore. But it's all good and I'll be back there later on today for a little cardio.

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1 comment:

RunninOnEmpty said...

good for you!!! battling that complacency is so hard. . .